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Search: Managing my Enrolment

Results: 179

  1. Fee Account Statement

    What is the Fee Account Statement and how do I obtain it?

  2. How can I check my fees and payments?

    Checking your balance

  3. Changing your name and details

    How do I notify the University of a change to my name or personal details?

  4. Fees- Statement of Liability

    What is the Statement of Liability and how do I obtain it?

  5. Fees Due Dates

    When are my fees due?

  6. Fee Remission in special circumstances

    Can I get my fees or student contribution remitted if I withdrew late or failed a subject due to special circumstances?

  7. Updating Contact Details

    How do I update my contact details?

  8. Evidence of Enrolment

    What is Evidence of Enrolment?

  9. Commonwealth Supported Places

    What is a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)?

  10. Academic Transcripts
  11. Fees - Student Invoice

    What is the Student Invoice and how do I obtain it?

  12. Applying for a refund

    How do I get a fee refund?

  13. Statement of Enrolment

    Can I get a record of my enrolment details?

  14. Sanctions

    What is a sanction?

  15. Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)

    What is the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) and do I need to pay it?

  16. Evidence of Qualification

    What is Evidence of Qualification?

  17. Fee payment methods

    How do I pay my fees?

  18. Verification of Qualification

    How can I get a University of Melbourne qualification verified?

  19. Receiving my graduation certificate via mail

    Important update: due to the impact of COVID-19, some of the dates printed below may change. Please continue to refer back to this page for updated information.

    I'm graduating. When will I receive my graduation certificate?

  20. Paying international tuition fees

    How do new International students pay their tuition fees?

  21. Elective Subjects

    What is an elective / optional subject?

  22. Unable to enrol in subjects or change Study Plan

    How can I get help if I am unable to enrol in subjects or change my Study Plan via my.unimelb?

  23. Notification of Change of Citizenship/PR

    I have just received my Australian Citizenship/Australian Permanent Residency. How do I notify the University?

  24. Summer Term Subjects

    Where do I find out which subjects are available in the Summer Term?

  25. Full Time/Part Time

    Can I change from full-time to part-time (or the other way around) in my course?

  26. Certified Copy

    What is a certified copy?

  27. Course progression rules

    What are course progression rules?

  28. Student card troubleshooting FAQ

    I'm having issues getting my student card. What can I do?

  29. HELP Balance

    What is my HELP balance?

  30. 100 points of Identification

    What counts as 100 points of ID?

  31. Enrolment Declaration

    What is the 'Enrolment Declaration'?

  32. Summer Term Enrolment

    What is a Summer Term enrolment?

  33. Post-Nominals/Personal Title

    What will the letters be after my name once I've graduated (post-nominals), and when can I use them (and the title Doctor)?

  34. Intensive Subjects

    What are intensive subjects?

  35. Deferring the SSAF

    Can I defer the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) through SA-HELP?

  36. Points and Courses

    What are credit points and how do they relate to my course requirements?


    What is HECS-HELP?

  38. Changing Subjects Post-Enrolment

    Can I change my subjects after I have enrolled?

  39. Maximum Course Length

    What is the maximum time allowed to complete my course?

  40. Non-VCE Subject Prerequisites

    How can I get my non-VCE study approved as prerequisite study so I can enrol in my first year subjects?

  41. Fee Date Extensions

    Can I get an extension on the due date for my fees?

  42. Applying for FEE-HELP

    How do I apply for FEE-HELP?

  43. 'Course' and 'Subject' Definition

    What is the difference between a 'Course' and a 'Subject'?

  44. FEE-HELP

    What is FEE-HELP?

  45. Fee Paying Instalments

    As a fee paying student can I pay my fees in instalments or change my instalment option?

  46. Exchange application processing

    How can I track the status of my exchange application?

  47. Requisite Waiver

    How can I get subject prerequisites or corequisites waived?

  48. Study Plan - changing subjects

    What do the terms 'choose' and 'change' mean?

  49. Student Number

    Where can I find my Student ID Number?

  50. Empty Study Plan

    How can I enrol in my subjects if there are no subject, major or minor options listed in my Study Plan?

  51. Withdrawing from subjects
  52. Absence from Class

    What should I do if I can't attend all my classes?

  53. Understanding the Study Plan and Subject Enrolment
  54. Subject withdrawal options tool

    What are my options for withdrawing from a subject?

  55. Course Completion

    I am a coursework student, when will I have completed my course?

  56. Part-Time Study

    How is part-time study defined?

  57. Core Subjects

    What is a core subject?

  58. The Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS)

    What do I need to know about AHEGS?

  59. Overdue fees

    What should I do if I have an overdue fee or fine?

  60. Enrolment Lapse Date

    What is the Enrolment Lapse Date?

  61. TFN and HECS-HELP

    I don't have a Tax File Number but want to apply for HECS-HELP.

  62. Re-enrolment
  63. Transferring from a domestic Full-Fee paying place to a Commonwealth supported place (CSP)

    I am a domestic graduate coursework student in a Full-Fee paying place, can I transfer to a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)?

  64. Different types of subjects

    What different types of subjects are there?

  65. Concurrent diplomas and cross-crediting

    What does it mean to cross-credit subjects within my Concurrent Diploma, and how can I do it?

  66. Applying for HECS-HELP

    How do I apply for HECS-HELP?

  67. Subject/Course Change Deadlines

    What are the deadlines for subject and course changes?

  68. Enrolment Overloading
  69. Leave/Time off from Study
  70. Incomplete enrolment
  71. Handbook Subject Key Dates

    What key dates are listed for subjects in the Handbook, and what do they mean?

  72. Calculating Tuition Fees

    How are my tuition fees calculated?

  73. Credit points

    What are credit points?

  74. How to view enrolment details

    How do I check if I have completed my enrolment?

  75. Legalising documents (the apostille)

    What is an apostille and how do I get one?

  76. Fee payment methods

    How do I pay my deposit or Overseas Student Health Cover?

    (OSHC - International students only)

  77. Overdue Fees Penalty

    What late penalty is charged for overdue fees?

  78. Early Exit Awards

    What is an Early Exit award?

  79. Non-credit Exemptions

    What are non-credit exemptions?

  80. Enrolment cancellation and reinstatement
  81. Commonwealth Assistance Notice

    What do I need to know about Commonwealth Assistance Notices?

  82. Graduation eligibility

    When and how do I know if I can graduate?

  83. University Handbook Subject Page

    What information is available from each subject page in the Handbook?

  84. Timetable Dates
  85. Prerequisites and Corequisites
  86. SSAF Sanctions

    What can I do if my enrolment has been sanctioned because I have not paid the SSAF or requested SA-HELP by the deadline?

  87. CSP Payment Options

    What are my student contribution payment options?

  88. Understanding Subject Codes

    How can I determine the subject year level and study area from the subject codes in the University Handbook?

  89. Cross-Institutional Study

    Can I take subjects from another university to count towards my course at Melbourne?

  90. Placement Summary Letter for Faculty of Education students

    How can I order Evidence of Supervised Teaching Practice?

  91. How to get your student card
  92. Visas to attend graduation ceremony

    I need help with a visa for my family to come to my graduation. What do I do?

  93. University Dates

    What are the University's key dates?

  94. Handbook How-To

    How do I use the Handbook to choose subjects?

  95. Student Contribution Amount

    What is a Student Contribution Amount?

  96. Withdrawing from or discontinuing a course
  97. Reference Letters from Individual Staff

    What is the procedure to obtain an academic reference letter from my lecturer or course coordinator after graduation?

  98. Enrolment and International Students
  99. Non-allowed subjects

    What is a non-allowed subject?

  100. Ordering Student Conduct Reports

    How do I order a Student Conduct Report (SCR)?

  101. Deferring your Course Commencement
  102. EFTSL

    What is EFTSL?

  103. Exchange/study abroad study plan statuses

    What does the status on my exchange/study abroad study plan mean?

  104. Student Obligations & Census Dates
  105. Student Card Rules and Use
  106. Onshore Sanctions

    What is an Onshore Sanction and how can I remove it?

  107. Reduced Study Load
  108. Submitting your Thesis

    How/where do I submit my research thesis?

  109. Points and Subjects

    How many points are my subjects worth?

  110. Late re-enrolment fee
  111. Gender identification for trans and gender diverse students

    How do I change my gender identifier or name in my.unimelb?

  112. Preparing Thesis Submission

    I am almost ready to submit my thesis. What should I do now?

  113. Majors, Minors & Specialisations
  114. Name changes and academic statements

    My name has changed; can I get an academic statement in my new name?

  115. Employability Week
  116. SSAF and Tax Deductions

    Is the SSAF (Student Services and Amenities Fee) tax deductable?

  117. How to choose subjects and plan your course
  118. Academic Statements & Signatures

    I do not want to send you a copy of my signature. Will you process my Academic Statement order without it?

  119. Returning to a research degree after absence

    I am returning from leave of absence, sick leave or maternity leave from my research degree. What must I do?

  120. Thesis Format
  121. Leave from Research
  122. Research graduation eligibility

    When will I be eligible to graduate with my research degree?

  123. Subject Availability Definition

    What is a subject availability?

  124. Contact Hours per Subject

    How do I know how many lectures, tutorials or other classes are in a given subject?

  125. CHESSN

    What is a Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN)?

  126. Paying A Student Contribution

    What happens if I do not pay my student contribution amount 'up front' by the census date?

  127. Academic Statement Ordering
  128. Enrolling in subjects

    How do I enrol in subjects?

  129. Breadth subjects
  130. Finishing a pre-2008 Course

    My course no longer has any new intake of students - how will this affect me?

  131. Third Party Document Collection

    Can someone else (a proxy) collect confidential documents from the University for me?

  132. Help with Choosing Subjects
  133. ISIC Applications

    Where do I go to get my International Student Identity Card (ISIC) application form authorised?

  134. Viewing My Timetable
  135. Handbook Course Page

    What information is available from each course page in the Handbook?

  136. Post-Thesis Submission

    I have submitted my research thesis for examination. Can I still use my University email account?

  137. Enrolling into subjects
  138. Students prior to 1974 and Amalgamated institutions

    I studied at an institution that is has now merged with the University of Melbourne. Can I order an academic statement?

  139. Timetabling - Full Classes
  140. Paying Library Fines
  141. SSAF and Graduate Research Students

    I am a graduate researcher. What do I need to know about the SSAF?

  142. FEE-HELP & Bridging Programs

    Is FEE-HELP available for Bridging Programs?

  143. SSAF Eligibility Queries

    I have doubts over whether I should be charged the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) - why am I being invoiced?

  144. Last date to withdraw without fail
  145. Adjusting the Study Plan
  146. Research Progress Reports

    Do graduate researchers have to complete research progress review forms?

  147. Complete the Stop 1 quiz to win a $700 bike voucher!
  148. Timetable help
  149. Deferring Fees Eligibility

    Can I defer all or some of my student contribution amounts or tuition fees?

  150. No Available Classes
  151. Exam dates and personal timetable
  152. Commonwealth Support Request Status

    My Request for Commonwealth support and HECS-HELP (or FEE-HELP) is 'Submitted - Awaiting approval', what does this mean?

  153. Graduation invitations
  154. Mandatory & Optional Fees

    I have both "mandatory" and "optional" fees showing on my invoice.  What is the difference?

  155. Research Leave Quota

    How much leave of absence can I take from my research degree?

  156. Breadth Tracks

    What do I need to know about Breadth Tracks?

  157. Enrolling into a concurrent diploma
  158. SSAF per Subject

    Why is the SSAF a flat fee and not charged on a pro-rata basis depending on how many subjects I'm enrolled in?

  159. Get Started at Melbourne
  160. Reduced Study Load applications
  161. Orientation
  162. Understanding your study plan
  163. Quota Subjects
  164. Fees overview
  165. Thesis Writing Help
  166. Class Timetable
  167. Resolving a Timetable Clash
  168. Failing a teach-out subject

    If I fail a subject that is being taught out, how will I make up for it?

  169. Study Plan Status Definitions
  170. Census dates
  171. Check your subject census dates
  172. How to solve timetable problems
  173. Build your Orientation itinerary
  174. Replacement student card
  175. Course Advice
  176. Re-enrol now for 2019
  177. The Student Charter
  178. Eligibility for Commonwealth Supported Places and HELP loans
  179. Academic Advising