/ FAQ / Submitting your Thesis

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Submitting your Thesis

How/where do I submit my research thesis?

The process for submitting your thesis is as follows:

  1. Approximately two months prior to your expected date of submission, discuss the time-frame for thesis submission with your supervisor. You need their permission to submit.
  2. Once you have confirmation from your supervisor, log into the Thesis Examination System (TES) and register your intention to submit. As part of your notice of intention, you will be asked to include an 80-word summary of your thesis topic.
  3. You are encouraged to register for an ORCID and enter it in the intention to submit webform.
  4. Shortly after receipt of your 80-word summary, you will receive an email confirmation with information on submitting your thesis for examination.
  5. Your department will be sent a link to the 'Nomination of Examiners' form, which your supervisor and Chair of Examiners will complete and submit to the Examinations Office.
  6. You will be required to submit an electronic copy of your thesis for examination and you will need to log into the Thesis Examination System when you are ready to submit.

Further information on submitting a thesis is available on the Graduate Research Hub.

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