/ FAQ / Absence from Class

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Absence from Class

What should I do if I can't attend all my classes?

Attendance Requirements

You are expected to attend all of your registered classes. Some subjects may have a minimum attendance in order to pass the subject. All class requirements are listed under subject entries in the University's Handbook.

If you're unable to attend one of these classes due to an unexpected event, such as illness, it is best to provide the lecturer or tutor with evidence, such as a medical certificate. You may be able to attend a replacement class or access a recording of the class you missed.

Consequences of Absence

Whilst every attempt is made to accommodate choice of subjects, the timetable might not allow every student to attend their preferred combination of subjects. If you are unable to resolve a clash with breadth subjects, you should choose an alternative subject. If you request a timetable clash, you will be accepting any conflicting requirements (including assessment) that may result between clashing subjects. A timetable clash will not be considered grounds for special consideration. 

If you are unable to attend due to an ongoing health condition learn more about Registration for ongoing support

If you are considering withdrawal from a subject, we recommend that you book an appointment with a Stop 1 adviser.

If your performance in an assessment is affected by an unexpected circumstance or event, such as acute illness or bereavement, you should consider applying for Special consideration.