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What is HECS-HELP?
HECS-HELP allows eligible students in Commonwealth Supported Places to defer their student contribution amounts to a loan that is repaid through the taxation system. The amount that you can borrow under HELP has a limit set by the government.
Australian citizens, permanent humanitarian visa holders and NZ citizens who meet the government criteria are eligible for HECS-HELP.
In order to defer student contributions via HECS-HELP, you must complete and submit a Request for Commonwealth Support and HECS-HELP form providing your tax file number. This request must be submitted via my.unimelb prior to your enrolled subject census dates.
To access the Request for Commonwealth Support and HECS-HELP form:
- Log into my.unimelb
- Select the 'Student Admin' tab
- Select the 'Fees' tab or 'Go to fees'
- Select 'Apply for Commonwealth Assistance' (HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP, SA-HELP)
- Select 'Add New' next to the relevant course
- Select 'Request for a Commonwealth Support Place and HECS-HELP' loan'.
Detailed information about eligibility for HECS-HELP is available from the Study Assist website.
Combined HELP limit
The HELP limit is the maximum amount of debt that you can accumulate at any point in time. You can borrow more as you pay down your existing debt below the loan limit.
Detailed information about the combined HELP limit, including what loans are included in the limit, is available from the Study Assist website.
Student Learning Entitlement (SLE)
Student Learning Entitlement (SLE) determines the amount of study you can do under a Commonwelath Supported Place (CSP). From 1 January 2022 all students received 7 EFTSL of SLE which is equavelent to seven years of full time study.
Further information about SLE is available on the Study Assist website.
Students can check their SLE balance on the myHELPbalance website.
About this answer
Last updated: March 3, 2025, 11:15 a.m.