/ FAQ / The Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS)

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The Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS)

What do I need to know about AHEGS?

The Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) was introduced in 2011. It is issued to graduates (e.g. students that have completed their course and had their degree conferred). Graduates receive a separate AHEGS for each degree they have had conferred.

The AHEGS is designed to assist in both national and international recognition of Australian qualifications, and to promote the international mobility and professional recognition of Australian graduates. The AHEGS aims to describe a higher education qualification in a clear and consistent way, providing greater transparency by including descriptions of the nature, level, context and status of the studies being undertaken, as well as information about the education system to which the qualification belongs.

The AHEGS was developed by the Australian Government to provide information on:

  • A student's higher education qualification
  • The institution at which the qualification was obtained; and
  • The Australian higher education system in one easy to read document

For more information about the AHEGS visit the Australian Government Department of Education and Training website. You can also contact Stop 1.

Information included on an AHEGS

From 2011, a separate AHEGS has been issued for each Award that a student has had conferred. Each AHEGS conforms to nationally agreed specifications approved by the Department of Education. It  comprises of five sections:

  • Section 1 - the graduate
  • Section 2 - the award
  • Section 3 - awarding institution
  • Section 4 - graduate's academic achievements
  • Section 5 - description of the Australian higher education system
The AHEGS lists:
  • All subjects that were undertaken as part of that course (regardless of whether the subject was passed or failed). Subjects that were withdrawn before the census date are not listed, nor are periods of leave of absence.
  • Exchange study details, prizes, awards, scholarships, and other student achievements.

Prizes and awards that appear on the AHEGS

Where relevant, your AHEGS will include details such as:

  • University prizes, scholarships and awards
  • Advanced standing (i.e. credit) awarded for  other tertiary studies (including exchange studies)
  • Completion of the University of Melbourne Student Ambassador Leadership Program (SALP)
  • Completion of a supervised work placement taken within a course of study
  • Serving as the President of UMSU (University of Melbourne Student Union) or UMPA (University of Melbourne Postgraduate Association)
  • University Blues awarded by the Melbourne University Sports Association
  • The Duke of Edinburgh Award

AHEGS Errors

If you notice an error in your AHEGS, please contact Stop 1 for advice.

Multiple Degrees

Students will receive a separate AHEGS for each degree or diploma that have had conferred since 2010/11 (conferral means that the students had graduated from the course).

How to obtain an AHEGS

All students graduating in 2019 will receive access to a digital copy of their academic transcript, testamur and AHEGS free of charge via My eQuals. You can order additional copies via eCommerce.

Difference between the AHEGS and an academic transcript

The academic transcript shows a student's complete academic record (including all courses and subjects they have undertaken at the University) and is available at any time. As a student progresses, the academic transcript is updated.

The AHEGS is only issued once a student has graduated. Student's receive a separate AHEGS for each degree they have conferred (conferral is what happens at graduation). Unlike the academic transcript, the AHEGS includes a short explanation about the qualification and the Australian higher education system.