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Search: Starting and Completing

Results: 37

  1. Evidence of Enrolment

    What is Evidence of Enrolment?

  2. Academic Transcripts
  3. Evidence of Qualification

    What is Evidence of Qualification?

  4. Verification of Qualification

    How can I get a University of Melbourne qualification verified?

  5. Receiving my graduation certificate via mail

    Important update: due to the impact of COVID-19, some of the dates printed below may change. Please continue to refer back to this page for updated information.

    I'm graduating. When will I receive my graduation certificate?

  6. Certified Copy

    What is a certified copy?

  7. Post-Nominals/Personal Title

    What will the letters be after my name once I've graduated (post-nominals), and when can I use them (and the title Doctor)?

  8. Points and Courses

    What are credit points and how do they relate to my course requirements?

  9. Maximum Course Length

    What is the maximum time allowed to complete my course?

  10. Empty Study Plan

    How can I enrol in my subjects if there are no subject, major or minor options listed in my Study Plan?

  11. Course Completion

    I am a coursework student, when will I have completed my course?

  12. The Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS)

    What do I need to know about AHEGS?

  13. Overdue fees

    What should I do if I have an overdue fee or fine?

  14. Concurrent diplomas and cross-crediting

    What does it mean to cross-credit subjects within my Concurrent Diploma, and how can I do it?

  15. How to view enrolment details

    How do I check if I have completed my enrolment?

  16. Legalising documents (the apostille)

    What is an apostille and how do I get one?

  17. Graduation eligibility

    When and how do I know if I can graduate?

  18. Placement Summary Letter for Faculty of Education students

    How can I order Evidence of Supervised Teaching Practice?

  19. Visas to attend graduation ceremony

    I need help with a visa for my family to come to my graduation. What do I do?

  20. Withdrawing from or discontinuing a course
  21. Reference Letters from Individual Staff

    What is the procedure to obtain an academic reference letter from my lecturer or course coordinator after graduation?

  22. Deferring your Course Commencement
  23. Ordering Student Conduct Reports

    How do I order a Student Conduct Report (SCR)?

  24. Onshore Sanctions

    What is an Onshore Sanction and how can I remove it?

  25. Name changes and academic statements

    My name has changed; can I get an academic statement in my new name?

  26. Employability Week
  27. Academic Statements & Signatures

    I do not want to send you a copy of my signature. Will you process my Academic Statement order without it?

  28. Research graduation eligibility

    When will I be eligible to graduate with my research degree?

  29. Academic Statement Ordering
  30. Third Party Document Collection

    Can someone else (a proxy) collect confidential documents from the University for me?

  31. Finishing a pre-2008 Course

    My course no longer has any new intake of students - how will this affect me?

  32. Students prior to 1974 and Amalgamated institutions

    I studied at an institution that is has now merged with the University of Melbourne. Can I order an academic statement?

  33. Complete the Stop 1 quiz to win a $700 bike voucher!
  34. Graduation invitations
  35. Enrolling into a concurrent diploma
  36. Get Started at Melbourne
  37. Orientation