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Search: Fees
Results: 43
How can I check my fees and payments?
Checking your balance
Fee Account Statement
What is the Fee Account Statement and how do I obtain it?
Fees- Statement of Liability
What is the Statement of Liability and how do I obtain it?
Fees Due Dates
When are my fees due?
Fee Remission in special circumstances
Can I get my fees or student contribution remitted if I withdrew late or failed a subject due to special circumstances?
Commonwealth Supported Places
What is a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)?
Fees - Student Invoice
What is the Student Invoice and how do I obtain it?
Applying for a refund
How do I get a fee refund?
Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)
What is the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) and do I need to pay it?
Fee payment methods
How do I pay my fees?
Paying international tuition fees
How do new International students pay their tuition fees?
HELP Balance
What is my HELP balance?
Deferring the SSAF
Can I defer the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) through SA-HELP?
What is HECS-HELP?
Fee Date Extensions
Can I get an extension on the due date for my fees?
Applying for FEE-HELP
How do I apply for FEE-HELP?
What is FEE-HELP?
Fee Paying Instalments
As a fee paying student can I pay my fees in instalments or change my instalment option?
I don't have a Tax File Number but want to apply for HECS-HELP.
Transferring from a domestic Full-Fee paying place to a Commonwealth supported place (CSP)
I am a domestic graduate coursework student in a Full-Fee paying place, can I transfer to a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)?
Applying for HECS-HELP
How do I apply for HECS-HELP?
Calculating Tuition Fees
How are my tuition fees calculated?
Overdue Fees Penalty
What late penalty is charged for overdue fees?
Fee payment methods
How do I pay my deposit or Overseas Student Health Cover?
(OSHC - International students only)
Commonwealth Assistance Notice
What do I need to know about Commonwealth Assistance Notices?
CSP Payment Options
What are my student contribution payment options?
SSAF Sanctions
What can I do if my enrolment has been sanctioned because I have not paid the SSAF or requested SA-HELP by the deadline?
Student Contribution Amount
What is a Student Contribution Amount?
What is EFTSL?
SSAF and Tax Deductions
Is the SSAF (Student Services and Amenities Fee) tax deductable?
What is a Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN)?
Paying A Student Contribution
What happens if I do not pay my student contribution amount 'up front' by the census date?
- Paying Library Fines
SSAF and Graduate Research Students
I am a graduate researcher. What do I need to know about the SSAF?
FEE-HELP & Bridging Programs
Is FEE-HELP available for Bridging Programs?
SSAF Eligibility Queries
I have doubts over whether I should be charged the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) - why am I being invoiced?
Deferring Fees Eligibility
Can I defer all or some of my student contribution amounts or tuition fees?
Commonwealth Support Request Status
My Request for Commonwealth support and HECS-HELP (or FEE-HELP) is 'Submitted - Awaiting approval', what does this mean?
Mandatory & Optional Fees
I have both "mandatory" and "optional" fees showing on my invoice. What is the difference?
SSAF per Subject
Why is the SSAF a flat fee and not charged on a pro-rata basis depending on how many subjects I'm enrolled in?
- Fees overview
- Census dates
- Eligibility for Commonwealth Supported Places and HELP loans