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Search: Studying
Results: 79
Applying for an Extension
How do I apply for an assignment extension?
Result Release
When will my final subject results be available?
Final subject assessment
I have failed a subject in my final two half-year periods of enrolment in my course. Will I be awarded additional assessment?
Seeking a review of a Result
Can I seek a review of the result I was awarded?
Hurdle Requirements
What is a Hurdle Requirement?
- Weighted Average Mark (WAM)
Failing subjects and your academic progress
I haven't passed all of my subjects. What should I do?
Exam Reviews
Can I see my examination paper or examination report after my results are released?
How can I apply for OS-HELP?
Course Academic Progress Committee meetings (CAPC)
What happens if I receive an email notification about a CAPC meeting?
Missing Results
Some of my results are missing. What should I do?
- Failing a subject
- WAM Calculation
Results review
How do I request a review of my results?
Discussing your results
Can I talk to someone about my performance in a particular subject?
Assignment cover sheets
Where can I find cover sheets for handing in hard copies of my assignments?
Finding Contact Details
How can I find Staff and Student contact details?
- Special Consideration documentation
Purchasing Textbooks (Location)
Where can I buy my textbooks?
How can I find what the compulsory or recommended texts are for a subject?
Failing more than once
What happens if I fail a subject more than once?
Cannot take or missed exam
What should I do if I cannot take, am late for, or have missed my exam?
PhD Thesis Word Limit
What is the word limit for a PhD thesis?
Repeating a subject
If I am repeating a subject, do I have to meet all the requirements again?
- Special and supplementary exams
- Student At Risk
Finding your Booklist
Where can I find my Personal Booklist?
- Special Consideration applications
- Unsatisfactory Progress
Results Codes
What are the grading schemes for results?
- Library Study Rooms
Overseas study options
How do I study overseas as part of my course (including exchange)?
Obtaining EndNote
Where can I get a copy of EndNote to use at home or on my laptop computer?
Short-term overseas study programs
I've been approved for a short-term overseas study program. What happens next?
- Exam dates and personal timetable
Overseas Student Health Cover Contact
Who do I contact for help with my Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) policy?
Master of Teaching VIT Registration
Master of Teaching VIT Registration
Overseas study approval
How do I get approval to go on an overseas study program?
Overseas study advice
Who should I talk to about studying overseas as part of my course?
- Link to Current Result Codes (Grading Scheme)
Seeking medical assistance for international students
I'm an international student. What do I need to do if I am unwell and unable to complete my exam/assessment?
Troubleshooting overseas study applications
What should I do if I have an issue when applying to study overseas?
- Exam Performance Tips
Exchange information sessions
What information sessions are available for exchange as part of my course?
Subject Readers
Where do I get my reading packs and/or subject readers?
Short-term overseas study program applications
What is a short-term overseas study program and how do I apply?
- Exam Clash
- Exam Memory Tips
- Study Overseas
Research Style Guides
Where do I get research style guides and advice on presentation, referencing and citation?
Funding overseas study
What are my funding options for overseas study?
- Study spaces and library extended hours
- Exam dates and personal timetable
Spaces for Research Students
Which offices or desks are available to Research Students?
EndNote: Downloading References
How do I download references from library databases and catalogues into my EndNote Library?
Learning EndNote
Where can I learn how to use EndNote?
Advanced EndNote Help
Where can I get advanced EndNote help?
- Exam Timetable Changes
- Special Consideration outcome reviews
Undergraduate Arts subjects taught overseas
Which undergraduate subjects offered by the Faculty of Arts involve overseas travel?
- Referencing and Bibliographies
EndNote: Thesis Bibliographies
How do I get one bibliography at the end of the thesis if each of my chapters is a separate document?
- Academic Skills Services
Renewing Visas
How do I renew my visa?
Exchange/Study Abroad/Learning Agreements
I am an Exchange/Study Abroad student and I need a document signed to confirm to my home institution I am here and/or what I am studying, where can I get that done?
- Editing EndNote citations and bibliography in Word
- Study skills
- Appropriate behaviour on social media
- First Year at Melbourne appointments
- Study Skills Workshops/Seminars
- How can I renew library books?
- University library branches by discipline
- Library Photocopying
- A-Z of University terms
- Exam Stress Strategies
- Library Fines
- University glossary
- Melbourne Peer Mentoring Program
- Academic Advising