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Search: Studying

Results: 79

  1. Applying for an Extension

    How do I apply for an assignment extension?

  2. Result Release

    When will my final subject results be available?

  3. Final subject assessment

    I have failed a subject in my final two half-year periods of enrolment in my course. Will I be awarded additional assessment?

  4. Seeking a review of a Result

    Can I seek a review of the result I was awarded?

  5. Hurdle Requirements

    What is a Hurdle Requirement?

  6. Weighted Average Mark (WAM)
  7. Failing subjects and your academic progress

    I haven't passed all of my subjects. What should I do?

  8. Exam Reviews

    Can I see my examination paper or examination report after my results are released?

  9. OS-HELP Loans

    How can I apply for OS-HELP?

  10. Course Academic Progress Committee meetings (CAPC)

    What happens if I receive an email notification about a CAPC meeting?

  11. Missing Results

    Some of my results are missing. What should I do?

  12. Failing a subject
  13. WAM Calculation
  14. Results review

    How do I request a review of my results?

  15. Discussing your results

    Can I talk to someone about my performance in a particular subject?

  16. Assignment cover sheets

    Where can I find cover sheets for handing in hard copies of my assignments?

  17. Finding Contact Details

    How can I find Staff and Student contact details?

  18. Special Consideration documentation
  19. Purchasing Textbooks (Location)

    Where can I buy my textbooks?

  20. Textbooks

    How can I find what the compulsory or recommended texts are for a subject?

  21. Failing more than once

    What happens if I fail a subject more than once?

  22. Cannot take or missed exam

    What should I do if I cannot take, am late for, or have missed my exam?

  23. PhD Thesis Word Limit

    What is the word limit for a PhD thesis?

  24. Repeating a subject

    If I am repeating a subject, do I have to meet all the requirements again?

  25. Special and supplementary exams
  26. Student At Risk
  27. Finding your Booklist

    Where can I find my Personal Booklist?

  28. Special Consideration applications
  29. Unsatisfactory Progress
  30. Results Codes

    What are the grading schemes for results?

  31. Library Study Rooms
  32. Overseas study options

    How do I study overseas as part of my course (including exchange)?

  33. Obtaining EndNote

    Where can I get a copy of EndNote to use at home or on my laptop computer?

  34. Short-term overseas study programs

    I've been approved for a short-term overseas study program. What happens next?

  35. Exam dates and personal timetable
  36. Overseas Student Health Cover Contact

    Who do I contact for help with my Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) policy?

  37. Master of Teaching VIT Registration

    Master of Teaching VIT Registration

  38. Overseas study approval

    How do I get approval to go on an overseas study program?

  39. Overseas study advice

    Who should I talk to about studying overseas as part of my course?

  40. Link to Current Result Codes (Grading Scheme)
  41. Seeking medical assistance for international students

    I'm an international student. What do I need to do if I am unwell and unable to complete my exam/assessment?

  42. Troubleshooting overseas study applications

    What should I do if I have an issue when applying to study overseas?

  43. Exam Performance Tips
  44. Exchange information sessions

    What information sessions are available for exchange as part of my course?

  45. Subject Readers

    Where do I get my reading packs and/or subject readers?

  46. Short-term overseas study program applications

    What is a short-term overseas study program and how do I apply?

  47. Exam Clash
  48. Exam Memory Tips
  49. Study Overseas
  50. Research Style Guides

    Where do I get research style guides and advice on presentation, referencing and citation?

  51. Funding overseas study

    What are my funding options for overseas study?

  52. Study spaces and library extended hours
  53. Exam dates and personal timetable
  54. Spaces for Research Students

    Which offices or desks are available to Research Students?

  55. EndNote: Downloading References

    How do I download references from library databases and catalogues into my EndNote Library?

  56. Learning EndNote

    Where can I learn how to use EndNote?

  57. Advanced EndNote Help

    Where can I get advanced EndNote help?

  58. Exam Timetable Changes
  59. Special Consideration outcome reviews
  60. Undergraduate Arts subjects taught overseas

    Which undergraduate subjects offered by the Faculty of Arts involve overseas travel?

  61. Referencing and Bibliographies
  62. EndNote: Thesis Bibliographies

    How do I get one bibliography at the end of the thesis if each of my chapters is a separate document?

  63. Academic Skills Services
  64. Renewing Visas

    How do I renew my visa?

  65. Exchange/Study Abroad/Learning Agreements

    I am an Exchange/Study Abroad student and I need a document signed to confirm to my home institution I am here and/or what I am studying, where can I get that done?

  66. Editing EndNote citations and bibliography in Word
  67. Study skills
  68. Appropriate behaviour on social media
  69. First Year at Melbourne appointments
  70. Study Skills Workshops/Seminars
  71. How can I renew library books?
  72. University library branches by discipline
  73. Library Photocopying
  74. A-Z of University terms
  75. Exam Stress Strategies
  76. Library Fines
  77. University glossary
  78. Melbourne Peer Mentoring Program
  79. Academic Advising