/ FAQ / Overdue Fees Penalty

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Overdue Fees Penalty

What late penalty is charged for overdue fees?

A late payment penalty will apply if mandatory fees are not paid by the due date. Please note that no late penalty applies to the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF). All students who do not pay their mandatory tuition fees by the due date will incur a late payment fee of $130 for each due date.

If you wish to appeal the late payment penalty please email sa-fees@unimelb.edu.au from your student email account, detailing the reasons you believe this penalty should be waived.

Appeals for the waiver of late payment penalty could only be considered if the full payment for the overdue fee was received by the University.

Where the unpaid mandatory fees are student contribution amounts, no late payment penalty is charged, but your enrolment in the subject must be cancelled as required under Commonwealth legislation.