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What is a sanction?

A sanction is a notification applied to a student's record. Some sanctions may restrict access to resources, such as the ability to enrol, amend subjects, access results, or graduate.

If a sanction applies to you, an alert notification will appear on the homepage of my.unimelb. Debt or overdue fees sanction alerts will also appear on your Dashboard and in your Inbox in the LMS. To remove the sanction, follow the instructions in the alert message. 

Enrolment sanctions

Code Sanction name Description
LRA Late re-enrolment

You did not re-enrol before the timely re-enrolment deadline and you are now liable for a late re-enrolment fee. If this late fee remains unpaid, overdue fee sanctions will apply (see Debt or overdue fees sanctions section below for more details).

If this applies to you, the sanction will appear on your account in January. Please refer to your Late Re-enrolment Fee notification for information.

CFE* Cancellation for failure to re-enrol

You have been cancelled from your course for failing to re-enrol during the designated re-enrolment period. You no longer have access to your course online (ie. access to my.unimelb and the LMS).

Please refer to your cancellation notification for information.

CIN* Cancellation for incomplete enrolment

Your enrolment has been cancelled for failing to complete outstanding enrolment requirements for your course. You no longer have access to your course online (ie. access to my.unimelb and the LMS).

Please refer to your cancelation notification for information.

ONS Onshore Sanction

Applied to all commencing international students. An onshore sanction (ONS) means you have not confirmed your arrival to Australia with the University, however you can still enrol in subjects.

To have your sanction lifted, please collect your student card and present your passport. Visit the Onshore Sanction FAQ for more details.

RSL Reduced Study Load You are an international student and have reduced your study load without approval. As a result, you are not on track to complete your course by your Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) end date.
INC Incomplete enrolment - current half year You have incomplete enrolment for the current half-year period. Complete your enrolment to avoid cancellation. Refer to your University email for more information.
CPR Course Progression Rules Not Met You are enrolled in a subject that is not allowed under the Course Progression Rules. Please amend your enrolment, or you will be withdrawn from this subject
USI* Valid USI not provided You have not provided a valid USI to the University of Melbourne. You will not be able to amend your enrolment or graduate until you have provided a valid USI.
UNS** Valid USI not yet provided You have not provided a valid Unique Student Identifier (USI) to the University of Melbourne. You cannot graduate until you have provided a valid USI.
OSL ESOS Online Study Limit As a student visa holder you must not enrol in more than one-third of your subjects as online delivery mode, and must enrol a minimum of 1 on-campus subject per subject per half-year. Failure to meet this requirement will have visa implications.

* Prevents you from enrolling in subjects, adjusting your study plan, and graduating.

** Prevents you from graduating.

Contact details sanction

Code Sanction name Description
ACA Australian Contact Address

As a student visa holder, it is your responsibility to keep your address details up to date with the University. You must provide a home address, which is your address in your country of residence; and a contact address, which is your Australian address used during University teaching and exam periods. Failure to meet this requirement will result in an Australian Contact Address (ACA) sanction that will prevent you from accessing your most recent results. If you have received an ACA sanction, please update your contact address as soon as possible. If you are currently overseas, please provide the most recent Australian contact address you used while studying in Melbourne.

Unsatisfactory progress sanctions

Code Sanction name Description
USP* Unsatisfactory Progress review Your academic progress will be reviewed by a Course Academic Progress Committee (CAPC).


Point Limit Applies Sanction Your enrolment is limited to a certain amount of credit points following a CAPC meeting.
IXU Termination - 20 working day appeal period, due to academic progress Your enrolment will be terminated once the 20 working-day appeal period has ended.
TER* Termination - Academic Progress Your enrolment has been terminated due to unsatisfactory progress.
IXT Suspension - 20 Working Day appeal period, due to academic progress Your enrolment will be suspended once the 20 working-day appeal period has ended.
SPD** Suspension - Academic Progress Your enrolment has now been suspended due to academic progress.

* Prevents you from enrolling in subjects and adjusting your study plan.

** During the suspension period, this sanction prevents you from enrolling in subjects, adjusting your study plan, restricts LMS access and library borrowing privileges.

Misconduct sanctions

Code Sanction name Description
Suspension -Academic or General Misconduct You have been suspended from course due to academic misconduct.
IXA International 20 Day Appeal - Academic Misconduct As an international student you have a 20 day extension to externally appeal the cancellation of your enrolment for academic misconduct. If you are unsuccessful, your enrolment will be cancelled.

* During the suspension period, this sanction prevents you from enrolling in subjects, adjusting your study plan, restricts LMS access, and library borrowing privileges .

Debt or overdue fees sanctions

Code Sanction name Description
Warning - Fees due You have fees due for payment. Please check your Statement of LiabilityStudent Invoice. Late payment penalties do apply for late payments.
1SF SSAF warning You have an overdue Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) debt.  If this debt remains unpaid, you will be unable to access your results online, enrol online, receive an academic transcript or graduate.
MCS Warning - mandatory CSP fees due  You have fees due or overdue for payment. Please check your Statement of Liability and pay these fees immediately. If the fees remain unpaid you will lose access to Canvas and be withdrawn from your subject(s).


Overdue fees or debt

You have overdue fees or debt. Until this debt is paid, you will be unable to access results online, enrol online, receive an academic transcript or graduate.

For more information find out what do to if you have an overdue fee or fine.

2SF SSAF Debt You have an overdue SSAF debt. Until this is paid, you will be unable to access your results online, enrol online, receive an academic transcript or graduate.
Overdue Fees Final Notice You have been sent final notice of your overdue debt. You may be cancelled from your course if your debt is not repaid as advised. Until then, you will be unable to access your results online, enrol online, receive an academic transcript or graduate.
3FD Canvas block - fees remain unpaid Your access to Canvas has been blocked as your overdue fees remain unpaid. Check your Final Notice in your student email account and pay these fees immediately or your enrolment will be cancelled. 
Student Loan or Housing debt You have an unpaid student loan debt or a debt to Student Housing.  Please clear this debt as soon as possible.  Until then, you are unable to enrol, access your results, receive an academic transcript or graduate.


Overdue Debt Cancellation You have been cancelled from your course due to unpaid fees. Please see your Notice of Cancellation email for important information.
Library debts

You have overdue library debts. You can clear these debts at a library branch.

Learn more about paying library fines.

SHE Canvas block - fees remain unpaid Your access to Canvas has been blocked as your overdue fees remain unpaid. Please contact sa-can@unimelb.edu.au immediately for assistance.  
RSC Replacement Student Card debt You are unable to obtain your results because you have an outstanding replacement student card debt. Clear your debt by visiting Stop 1