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Go back a stepStudy Plan - changing subjects
What do the terms 'choose' and 'change' mean?
You may see the terms choose and change as links displayed on your Study Plan:
Choose means you need to make a choice about the major, minor, specialisation or elective(s) you would like to study. Follow the choose link to select what you wish to study from the list of options.
Change means you can enrol in a different subject if you change your mind. Note that the change link will only display before you enrol in any subjects within that choice.
Getting help with your Study Plan
If you need to make any adjustments to your Study Plan and you are unable to do it yourself online, you may need to submit a request for help using the Enrolment Assistance Form.
Find out more on how to enrol in subjects.
About this answer
Last updated: June 2, 2023, 4:19 p.m.