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Computer facilities

Where can I access computer facilities?

There are many places around campus where you can access free computing facilities. Visit the Find Computers page for details.

For Research Students (in any Faculty or School)

There are several computer labs available for research students within the Graduate Centre. For more information, please visit the Graduate Student Association Computer Labs page.

Library Computing Facilities

Libraries across the University's campuses contain computers which may be accessed by all currently enrolled students. These computers are also bookable in advance. See the Find Computers page for a breakdown of where facilities are, and instructions for booking them.

Computers in Faculties and Graduate Schools

A number of faculties and graduate schools manage their own computer laboratories, which are generally only available to students from that particular faculty or graduate school. More information about these facilities can be found here.

Computers for Students with Disabilities

There are a number of accessible computer workstations available in the University libraries, as well as assistive software and assistive technology. More information about these facilities can be found on the Library services for students with a disability page.

Student Union Computing Facilities

Additional computing facilities are managed by the Student Union in the Rowden White Library, Union House. More information about these facilities can be found at their website.