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Search: Finances & Scholarships
Results: 12
Scholarships - Bank Details
How do I update my bank account and address details to receive scholarship payments?
Scholarships - Payment Dates
When can I expect my scholarship payment(s)?
Scholarships - Leave of Absence
I am receiving a scholarship. What will happen if I am granted leave of absence from my course?
- University student loans overview
Scholarships - Income Tax
Is my scholarship taxable?
- Scholarships
Scholarships - Part Time Study
Can I receive scholarship payments while enrolled as a part-time student?
Scholarships - Concurrent scholarships or awards
I have a graduate research scholarship. What happens if I receive another scholarship or award?
Scholarships - Grades
Do I need to maintain a particular grade to keep my scholarship?
Scholarships - Centrelink
Is my scholarship considered exempt income for Centrelink purposes? And how do I provide evidence of my scholarship to Centrelink?
Evidence of Scholarship Statements
How can I order an Evidence of Scholarship Statement?
- Financial Assistance