/ FAQ / Seeking medical assistance for international students

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Seeking medical assistance for international students

I'm an international student. What do I need to do if I am unwell and unable to complete my exam/assessment?

If your assessments are affected by circumstances such as illness you can apply for Special consideration.

To seek medical advice and assistance, you can make a confidential appointment through the University's Health Service. International students studying in Australia are required to have Overseas Student Health Cover insurance for the duration of their stay in Australia. Bupa is the University's preferred insurance provider, and you can visit a representative in person at the Health Service, or at Stop 1.

International students can also make appointments at other medical practices throughout Melbourne. These are often referred to as a 'general practice' and will usually charge a fee for each visit. It is recommended that if you need further medical assistance you return to the same medical practice to ensure consistency of care and records. Students outside Australia can access medical practices in their current country of stay as well as access counselling services offshore for support. 

What to expect from a medical appointment

  • If it is your first visit to a medical practice, you will be asked for your medical history - if you have a specific medical condition or a history of health concerns, it would be useful to take any documents related to previous diagnosis and treatments.
  • Your doctor will examine you to determine what treatment may be appropriate.
  • You may be referred to a specialist medical practitioner for further diagnosis or treatment. For example, if you have injured yourself playing sport, you may be referred to a specialist for physiotherapy.
  • Your doctor may prescribe you medication to treat your illness. You can purchase the medication from a chemist using the prescription.
  • You may be recommended to return for a follow up appointment.

Hospitals or emergency departments

It is appropriate to go to the Emergency Department at a hospital if you are seriously injured or ill, particularly if it occurs outside of usual business hours. If currently in Australia, you can phone 000 for an ambulance or attend an Emergency Department at the public hospital closest to you.