/ FAQ / SSAF per Subject

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SSAF per Subject

Why is the SSAF a flat fee and not charged on a pro-rata basis depending on how many subjects I'm enrolled in?

While the legislation governing the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) requires that Universities charge part-time students at a lesser rate than full-time students, it is also the case that a student’s study load does not necessarily correlate with the extent to which they make use of the services available to students. 

There are a range of other variables, including interest in sporting activities, carer status, quality of health and mental health, need for career guidance and engagement with extracurricular activities sponsored by the University and Student Associations which are more likely to dictate a student's use of the facilities and services available to them.

On this basis the University has decided to charge a flat fee for all part-time students, rather than taking a pro rata approach based on subject enrolment.