/ FAQ / Finishing a pre-2008 Course

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Finishing a pre-2008 Course

My course no longer has any new intake of students - how will this affect me?

The curriculum changes undertaken by the University since 2008 mean that many courses no longer have any new intakes of students. However, the University will ensure that students are able to complete the course in which they are currently enrolled.

The curriculum changes may in fact provide students with additional study opportunities. Subject to the structure of the current course and to availability, students may be able to take some of the subjects offered as part of the new degrees. Upon completion of their current course, students may apply for one of the new professional entry masters programs such as the Juris Doctor, Master of Teaching and Doctor of Medicine.

The curriculum changes will not affect the accreditation of professional undergraduate degrees that no longer have an intake.

In general, the options available to students within your current degree will be retained. However, there may be some changes to what students can do. For example:

  • Students may be encouraged to take certain elements of your course (for example, compulsory subjects) according to a recommended schedule (this is already common in undergraduate professional degrees).
  • The ability to take leave of absence may be more limited. Given the phasing-out of some subjects, it is important that students consider the impact of this before taking leave.
  • If a student is studying part-time, they may need to plan their enrolment carefully to ensure that subjects are available in the correct study periods (student may need to undertake compulsory subjects first).
  • Internal transfer opportunities may be affected.

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