/ FAQ / my.unimelb Alumni Access

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my.unimelb Alumni Access

Can I log in to my.unimelb if I'm no longer a current student?

Your my.unimelb account will be deactivated within 12 months after your graduation. After this point, your account will no longer be active unless you enrol in a new course at the University.Note that reactivation of a student account does not guarantee that previous student data will be made available.

You may like to request an alumni email address (yourprefix@alumni.unimelb.edu.au) so you can keep in contact with the University and receive benefits awarded only to alumni members.

This is not a separate email account; it is an email forwarding mechanism that allows you to automatically direct emails to an account of your choice. You can activate this address through the Alumni website below.

Register to become a member of the alumni community