/ FAQ / Student complaints at the University of Melbourne

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Student complaints at the University of Melbourne

How can I make a student complaint?

The Student Complaints and Grievances Policy (MPF1066) applies to all students of the University.

If a student wishes to raise a concern or make a complaint to the University about:

  • A decision by staff affecting individuals or groups of students
  • Discriminatory behaviour or misconduct by staff or another student
  • The content or structure of academic programs, including the nature and quality of teaching and assessment and its impact on individual students

They must follow the University’s procedures and processes. The processes to submit a student complaint or grievance is described on our student complaints and grievances page.

The Academic Registrar is responsible for managing all student complaints in accordance with the Student Complaints and Grievances Policy (MPF1066) and all student complaints should be made to the Academic Registrar through the online portal. However, depending on the nature of the complaint there are different places where you should first raise your concerns. The student complaints flow chart (PDF) helps you to identify your first point of call to raise concerns and allows you to see where you may escalate the matter if your concerns are not resolved. 

In addition to the information above

Students may raise complaints or grievances in relation to the conduct by a University staff member, including sexual misconduct, which will be managed under the Appropriate Workplace Behaviour Policy and the Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Policy.

Students may raise complaints or grievances in relation to the conduct of another student, including sexual misconduct, which will be managed under the Vice-Chancellor Regulation, the Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Policy, and the Student Conduct Policy.

Where a matter concerns the actions or decisions of another person, students should make an informal approach to the person concerned or, where that is not appropriate, they may proceed straight to the student complaints process and the Academic Registrar will manage the matter in accordance with the Student Complaint and Grievances Policy.

If you need to have a name change on an academic transcript from the past, please raise this directly with the Academic Registrar by completing the online form.

For more information

Safer Community Program 
Email: safer-community@unimelb.edu.au

Academic Registrar 
Joanne Ligouris
Email: academic-registrar@unimelb.edu.au

Principal Advisor, Student Grievances and Complaints 
Craig Bird
Email: complaints-grievances@unimelb.edu.au