/ FAQ / Travel to high risk countries for study

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Travel to high risk countries for study

Can I get travel approval to a country for which DFAT has issued an alert level of 'do not travel' or 'reconsider your need to travel'?

To apply for an exemption to travel to a high risk destination you must email the Academic Registrar (via safer-community@unimelb.edu.au) and include the following information:

  • Detailed information about your planned travel destination(s). You must include the addresses of the accommodation and location of where your research will be carried out, and a telephone number or numbers where you can be contacted whilst away.
  • If you are a citizen of the country you intend to visit and/or you are staying in your family home.
  • Details of the DFAT travel warning, addressing any hazards that have been identified and what risk mitigation plan is in place for avoiding these hazards. Provide a plan for what you would do if caught in an emergency situation. It is recommended that you complete and attach the 'Travel to High Risk Destinations Risk Assessment' form from the Occupational Health and Safety Travelling and Working Off-campus website.
  • If you have undertaken or intend to complete the subject Fieldwork in Complex and Hostile Places (DEVT90042) prior to your travel.
  • Academic support is essential. Please include a letter or email from your principal supervisor, subject coordinator and/or Head of Department that supports the travel and acknowledges that the risks involved in this travel have been discussed.

Relevant policies and procedures:

Student Travel and Transport Policy (MPF1209)

Graduate Research Training Policy (MPF1321)