Change to name and personal details

You can update your name and personal details if they change or are recorded incorrectly. These processes apply to current students, recent graduates (graduated less than 12 months ago), alumni (alum) and applicants.

Updating your details

Legal details

Your legal personal details are the details that appear on your government identity documentation, such as your passport and birth certificate.

This includes your:

  • Date of birth
  • Legal given name
  • Family name
  • Middle/other given names (if applicable).

Your legal details will appear on official University documents, such as your testamur, academic transcript and student card.

Your non-legal personal details include your preferred name, gender identifier and title.

Preferred name: Your preferred name will appear in student systems (eg my.unimelb, MyTimetable, class lists) and may be used to personalise University emails you receive. However, your legal name may still appear in official correspondence.

Gender identifier: Your gender will appear in your my.unimelb account and your Confirmation of Enrolment (for international students).

Title: Your title will be listed in official documents, such as your academic transcript, and in any mail sent to you by the University.

What type of changes would you like to make?

Support for trans and gender diverse students

We welcome and celebrate trans and gender diverse students! In line with the Gender Affirmation policy, our IT systems allows you choice of gender markers.

  • What can I change to reflect my identity?

    You can change your personal (or gender) identifier to:

    • Man or male
    • Woman or female
    • Non-binary
    • I/They use a different term
    • Prefer not to say

    You can also update your title, specify your title if it is not listed on the form, or choose 'No title preferred' if you do not want a title on your student record.

  • How do I notify academic staff of my name change?

    If you have legally changed your name or updated your non-legal details (such as your preferred name and personal identifier), you may wish to use the following templates to contact your subject coordinator and tutors to advise them of this important update.

    You are welcome to alter the text in any way you feel comfortable. If you would like further assistance contacting academic staff, please contact Stop 1’s Safer Community Program.

    Legal name change

    Email subject: Update regarding my personal details

    Dear [University staff member],

    I’m emailing to let you know about important news regarding my personal details that require your support.

    I have legally changed my name to affirm my gender identity. My current legal name is [name] and I would appreciate it if you could update your class lists to reflect this, as my personal details have been updated with Stop 1.

    My gender identity and pronouns are [gender] and [he/his, she/her, they/them or add your pronouns].

    For more information, please refer to the University’s Gender Affirmation policy.

    If you have any questions, Stop 1’s Safer Community Program provides specialist advice regarding gender affirmation and the importance of promoting an inclusive education.

    Thank you in advance for your assistance and understanding.

    Kind regards,


    Preferred name

    Email subject: Update regarding my personal details

    Dear [University staff member],

    I’m emailing to let you know about important news regarding my personal details that require your support.

    I have updated my preferred name to [preferred name] and registered this with the University, however my legal name remains [legal name]. I would appreciate it if you could update your class lists to reflect my preferred name.

    My gender identity and pronouns are [gender] and [he/his, she/her, they/them or add your pronouns].

    For more information, please refer to the University’s Gender Affirmation policy.

    If you have any questions, Stop 1’s Safer Community Program provides specialist advice regarding gender affirmation and the importance of promoting an inclusive education.

    Thank you in advance for your assistance and understanding.

    Kind regards,


  • How is my personal information used?

    Your personal identifier remains private and is kept as a record of your personal details, but will allow your details as a student to more accurately reflect your identity.

    While your title will appear next to your name on your academic transcript, titles are not included on your testamur (graduation certificate).

    Your preferred name will be updated in student systems (eg my.unimelb, MyTimetable). However your legal name registered with the University may appear in some official correspondence.

    All personal information collected by the University is managed under Privacy Legislation and governed by the University's Privacy Policy. For more information, visit the Privacy website.

  • What if my documentation doesn't align with my gender identity?

    You can update your personal identifier and title via your eStudent account, without any supporting documentation. Alumni and applicants can request to update this information. We will update your personal identifier and title based on the information in your Change to personal details form, not what is listed on your photo ID.

  • Where can I find additional support?

    To find support on campus:

    • The Safer Community Program offers specialist support to the University's transgender and gender diverse (TGD) community.
    • You can talk to Counselling and Psychological Services (CAPS) about issues which affect your study, relationships, work or emotions. Counsellors can help you gain a clearer understanding of a situation and to identify strategies or options for action. Our Counsellors offer a confidential, responsive and respectful service regardless of your cultural background, beliefs or lifestyle.
    • The Student Union Queer Department is run by your fellow students and works towards improving life for queer students by providing advice, social spaces and events, support groups, resources and a shoulder to cry on in hard situations. The department has links to other Student Union departments such as the Welfare, Disabilities, Wom*n's and Indigenous departments. Together we can offer a wider range of support services.
    • The Graduate Students Association (GSA) fosters an environment of inclusion and outreach for all students who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender, Intersex and Questioning (LGBTIQ). The GSA encourages open dialogue between the LGBTIQ graduate student community and the University through LGBTIQ graduate student representation and tailored events. Our LGBTIQ officer can also provide confidential support and advice to students in relation to their sexuality/gender identity. You can connect with us via our GSA Facebook page, or contact your LGBTIQ Graduate representative.

    If you're questioning your gender identity or would like to find out more about the trans and gender diverse communities, check out the resources below:

Get new academic statements, email, or student card

  • How do I get new academic transcripts and statements?

    You can order new academic transcripts and statements online once your details have been updated, including a replacement testamur (graduation certificate). There may be a cost associated with this.

  • Do I get a new student email address after updating my name?

    Only your alias email can be updated, your primary email address will remain the same. We can update your alias email for you if you indicate this on your Change to personal details form, or you can follow the steps to add or update your alias.

  • Can I get a new student card after updating my legal name?

    We will assess this as part of processing your change to personal details request and will notify you if you are eligible for a replacement student card. Please note, preferred names cannot be included on your student card.

  • Do I need to revalidate my Unique Student Identifier (USI)?

    Your USI should be automatically revalidated within two business days of your legal details being updated. Find out more about the USI.