/ FAQ / Transferring from a domestic Full-Fee paying place to a Commonwealth supported place (CSP)

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Transferring from a domestic Full-Fee paying place to a Commonwealth supported place (CSP)

I am a domestic graduate coursework student in a Full-Fee paying place, can I transfer to a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)?

Check if transferring from a domestic Full-Fee paying place to a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) is available in your graduate school.

Architecture, Building and Planning (Melbourne School of Design)

You will be guaranteed a transfer to a CSP for the remainder of the course if you:

  • Are enrolled in an Australian Full-Fee paying place in a 200 point (or more) masters by coursework program, 
  • Have completed your first 100 points of study, and
  • Achieved a Weighted Average Mark of at least 75%.

Not applicable to MSD graduate diplomas or 100 point masters programs.


If you are enrolled in an Australian Full-Fee paying place in a masters by coursework program, you can request consideration for a CSP by emailing arts-gradadmissions@unimelb.edu.au by the CSP closing date for the next intake.

Current students requesting a transfer to a CSP are not treated as a separate cohort, but rather go into competition with commencing CSP applicants. Applications are assessed by looking at the applicant's most recent relevant 300 points of study including current studies.

The Faculty will also accept Graduate Access Melbourne applications in cases where your situation has changed (for the worse) since commencing the course, or if you tried to apply for Graduate Access Melbourne previously but missed the closing date.

Business and Economics

The selection process for a CSP is highly competitive and based solely on academic merit. High achieving students (who are eligible for a CSP) will be considered for an automatic transfer from an Australian Full-Fee paying place into a CSP for the remainder of their degree upon completion of the first 100 points of their studies. Subject to availability. Students do not need to apply for a CSP transfer as all eligible students are automatically considered.


The selection process for a CSP is highly competitive and based solely on academic merit. High achieving students (who are eligible for a CSP) will be considered for an automatic transfer from an Australian Full-Fee paying place into a CSP for the remainder of their degree upon completion of the first 100 points of their studies. Subject to availability. Students do not need to apply for a CSP transfer as all eligible students are automatically considered.


The selection process for a CSP is highly competitive and based solely on academic merit. High achieving students (who are eligible for a CSP) will be considered for an automatic transfer from an Australian Full-Fee paying place into a CSP for the remainder of their degree upon completion of the first 100 points of their studies. Students do not need to apply for a CSP transfer as all eligible students are automatically considered.

Fine Arts and Music

You can apply for a CSP for your current course using the standard application method.  Selection is competitive.


The Law School does not allow transfer from an Australian fee place to a CSP.

Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences

Transferring from an Australian fee place to a CSP is not possible. If there are any CSPs available, you will be contacted by your Graduate School. 

Office of Environmental Programs

Transferring from an Australian fee place to a CSP is not possible. If there are any CSPs available, you will be contacted by the Office for Environmental Programs.


Transferring from an Australian fee place to a CSP is not possible. If there are any CSPs available, you will be contacted by the Faculty of Science.

Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences

Transferring from an Australian fee place to a CSP is not possible.