/ FAQ / Returning to a research degree after absence

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Returning to a research degree after absence

I am returning from leave of absence, sick leave or maternity leave from my research degree. What must I do?

On returning from any leave of absence, you are required to notify your faculty/school by submitting a Return from leave (scholarship/candidature) or return from study away online form. Completing this form will also ensure that the Scholarships Office is notified (where relevant) of your return to study.  Failure to do so may result in the termination of your enrolment; a reinstatement fee may then be charged.

You can find this form in my.unimelb by accessing 'Enrolment' under the 'Student admin tab'. By clicking on 'Apply for / view my candidature changes (including leave)' link, you will be able to access the 'Return from Leave' form.

If you are navigating from an 'eStudent' screen, please select the 'RHD' tab from the top menu and select 'Return from Leave (Course/Scholarship)'.

The University recommends that a student be given 5 working days to submit a return from leave form online. Note that failure to notify the University of a return to study may result in termination of enrolment as per the Graduate Research Candidature Policy section 13. Student visa holders should confirm with International Student Support for information of leave of absence requirements. Any scholarship held may not recommence until after a return from leave form is approved by the supervisors and processed by your faculty or graduate school.