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Breadth Tracks

What do I need to know about Breadth Tracks?

breadth track is a set of three or more subjects that progressively develops knowledge and skills relevant to some domain, theme, topic or issue. The University has developed a comprehensive range of approved breadth tracks for each course (see below).

Finding breadth tracks for your course

You can search for breadth tracks in the Handbook - click on the 'Breadth Track' tab under the main search bar.

Enrolling in a Breadth Track

There is no formal process to enrol in a particular breadth track. You simply need to select the subjects that contribute to it.

Are Breadth Tracks compulsory?

No. They are merely curated, suggested ways of using the breadth component of your degree. 

Do you have to finish Breadth Tracks?

No. Once you commence studying subjects within a breadth track, there is no obligation to continue following that track.

Although students do not have to study a breadth track in its entirety, they are encouraged to do so in order to give them a deeper understanding of a chosen topic. 

Are Breadth tracks considered majors?

No. Breadth Tracks represent a suggested package of subjects that will ensure your breadth studies are meaningful and coherent - they are not the equivalent of a major and will not be recorded on your academic transcript.

Further Information

Further information on Breadth Tracks is available here. You can also contact Stop 1 for assistance.