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Exam Reviews

Can I see my examination paper or examination report after my results are released?

You can make a request to your Subject Coordinator to access your examination scripts from the previous semester at any time before the end of the second week of the following semester. Your Subject Coordinator may have already published their own procedures for Exam Reviews. If you are unsure, please see your Subject Guide or email them directly.

In the rare case where examination procedures are not complete at the beginning of the following semester, you will be given at least two weeks following the publication of results to request your examination scripts. 

Faculty of Music

Copies of Practical Examination Reports are available to you shortly after the release of results.

Faculty of Business and Economics

Examinations may be viewed centrally here if it has been made available by your Subject Coordinator.

Note that you can only log into the Student Booking System when an appointment has been made for you. If you are unable to login, please contact the Subject Coordinator for further assistance, or submit an enquiry